
Code LI04

Details and sub Branches


just do it



In short super means & definition

seller sending advance currently payment by percentage wise on (LIFX USA) end

Super briefing

Define super this is the transaction term through which any buyer

or seller can easily do their transaction .

The question is why the company says this term as ( just do it) .

because we discuss the model of it and how it works by buyer or seller side.


Example the two person decided to one transaction each other by selecting (super)

1 Actions////// buyer needs or want//// digital assets/////by given or transfer

them paper currency or fiat currency

2 Actions//////seller needs or wants////fiat currency or paper currency/////

by given or transfer them digital assets

What super do

In simple words super service holder that assets by her own self in

her side in behalf of your. from seller

by percentage wise like starting from 10% up to 150%

These percentage options are divided into (Super sub branches).

whatever you select that percentage option first (lifx usa) holder

that transaction for you. By her own end of the seller and then passed

it to your end.when you transfer the fiat currency to the seller account.

In any case the transaction is late,not performed,less performed,or not done etc.

Then we decided what to do with that order.if you fully follow the instructions

and steps fellow by our company

and after that the transaction did not perform well on your side.

positively then we fair with you till end . and what makes a positive

result on your side. Give it to you .


If you use the choice of branch or sub branch services

that relate and perform our help and support center only one way

it is active on your side either you buyer or seller

when you follow our rules and terms & conditions.

More simple to understand super branch option

look when you perform a transaction either it is small or big doesn't mean.

you must see the limit of the seller of the super branch option and if

the sub option in it choose right . and choose the right option

which is now the super branch option .

you see the limit of seller on her profile and services

which he gave by to in past and present and interest in further or coming soon.

the limit is important because if the limit is less than or greater then

In both ways the risk of the order is higher if you don't follow the cross limit that a tip.

In the seller profile there are multiple charts which are updated

by current situation & need.depends on but

this services chart is changed on a daily basis.

always follow the sheet steps.The design is perfect because

you can't lose the money. from if u fully follow.the instructions

Some options are (lifx-usa) give you access

like your chat between both buyer and seller              upload option

any kind of slips statement or file documents              upload option

atoz complete transaction step by step                        overview

when we provided services we  always live                 live status

if any time the step perform by our end is late or         updated u in every step

delay we update u before 

Precautions (means some of rules & terms )

1.Whenever u are dealing, take the screenshot or snaps of every single step whatever u do.

that is really helpful and fair to you if anything is wrong in your case.

2.don't pay directly whether you are buyer or seller if you choose

our services or branch or sub branch options . if u do that you get

off circle and its against the rules & laws and you get fine of it also depend on case.

3.always follow the rules & laws dont trust on anyone like in context for example

1. seller 2 buyer 3 lifx usa even . depending on your simple words if some of

these did not perform the rules and laws teams & condition

just leave or skip the forward step if its possible to your end.

or simply complain about us. we take action on it.

4.don't talk or perform out of the box or so close so personally in chat box specially.

either you are a buyer or a seller.

5.always show the reason whether you face any physical problem or situation even.

if order of dealing disturb on your side specially these kind of things are happen mostly in chats box

6.we recommended only three 3 app applications based on mobile

& computer PC base and only these are acceptable in original default theme style . they are

no1 google chat

no2 google hangout

no3 google gmail

that all no more or any change was accepted . that against the rules

7.the email is from which you are providing from fill registration or

membership from.used that same and same email in gmail, hangout ,

google chat.that condition.

8.don't ask for any single info when you are chatting all your id based on

codes don't ask even the name of buyer or seller of your end.

or any information related question which you provided on

registration or membership time .click to see the chart.

9.after dealing is completed if you contact the seller or

seller contact u that is not a part of dealing . and not responsibility

whats you get or loss not even 1 single %

10.the link any info you give to seller or buyer given

like account no id no or any transaction link from we're the get in or

out is related your own identity no third party involved in it.

11.the service on which we perform by both sides has minor charges including.

mostly these are mentioned in chat base all these are calculated

by figures cutting commission not by percentage.

for example

if u choose 1 dollar for transfer to another account it charge

like first what is rate of dollar in market and what the seller market it by her profile then

like the price of dollar is 220 rs on market

and the seller sells for 225 rs. Our commission is included in it. (1 rs)

we charge from both depend on quantity and amount for example

if less value 1 rs from buyer and 1 rs from seller total you cost 1 dollar in 226 rs

if more value 0.50 rs from buyer and 0.50 rs from seller total you cost 1 dollar in 225 rs

Note all this dealing only text allow no voice ,no voice call, no voice message,

no video, no video call , no video message or no voice clip ,

no video clip etc are allow no chance

it's against the rules and regulations so if you make a mistake you do

that kind of thing and start again to deal with either you are buyer or seller .

if you don't follow the rules we can't given you the fair on your

bad time because of such mirror mistake


the things or format you used in dealing period or in chat form is

text form , link form, or image image form. that all no more

Chart of super and sub super branches








Sending 10% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 20% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 30% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 40% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 50% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 60% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 70% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 80% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 90% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 100% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.50rs to 2rs max on both side



Sending 110% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.25rs to 1rs max on both side



Sending 120% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.25rs to 1rs max on both side



Sending 130% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.25rs to 1rs max on both side



Sending 140% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.25rs to 1rs max on both side



Sending 150% to (lifx usa)


mim 0.25rs to 1rs max on both side


depending on value and amount calculation

Define Links


In this service the seller deposits the 10% of the full order payment in

(LIFX USA) Account in advance .For buyer trusted after the buyer deposits

the amount of ten percent of her full requirement the payment will be released

by ( lifx usa) end . by showing the chart and confirming and informing them both.

if any wrong by any side the payment of ( lifx usa ) did not move forward.

The total time of active or non active dealing is 24 hours.


In this service the seller deposits the 10% of the full order payment in (LIFX USA)

Account in advance .For buyer trusted after the buyer deposits the amount

of ten percent of her full requirement the payment will be released

by ( lifx usa) end . by showing the chart and confirming and informing them both.

if any wrong by any side the payment of ( lifx usa ) did not move forward.

The total time of active or non active dealing is 24 hours.


In this service the seller deposits the 10% of the full order payment in (LIFX USA)

Account in advance .For buyer trusted after the buyer deposits the amount of ten percent

of her full requirement the payment will be released by ( lifx usa) end.

by showing the chart and confirming and informing them both. if any wrong

by any side the payment of ( lifx usa ) did not move forward.The total time of active or

inactive dealing is 24 hours. The different between 100 % up option is very simple

that mean the payment of sellers higher than your capital order amount first of all second

reason mostly the seller do multiple trades in same day . that is why they in advance

any value like abc for minimum for 24 hours time after that the amount will be gone

back to her account back .whenever he wants to if he or she is in one single deal done or

pending on that day . if any deal did not perform on that day .

We release the seller payment anytime no problem, only half hour official required time.

taken by (lifx usa).that all


In this service the seller deposits the 10% of the full order payment in (LIFX USA)

Account in advance .For buyer trusted after the buyer deposits the amount of

ten percent of her full requirement the payment will be released by ( lifx usa) end.

by showing the chart and confirming and informing them both. if any wrong

by any side the payment of ( lifx usa ) did not move forward.The total time of active or

inactive dealing is 24 hours. The different between 100 % up option is very simple

that mean the payment of sellers higher than your capital order amount first of all second

reason mostly the seller do multiple trades in same day . that is why they in advance any

value like abc for minimum for 24 hours time after that the amount will be gone back to her

account back .whenever he wants to if he or she is in one single deal done or pending on that day.

if any deal did not perform on that day . We release the seller payment anytime no problem,

only half hour official required time. taken by (lifx usa).that all