WS5 # ( LIFX-USA-MB ) 

About us 

The website and sub sites of LIFX-USA is the circle

which is collecting each other.and all the updates are related to trading fields.

This design of sites is like a chain work.Which is connected to each other.

Now we discuss the website (LIFX-USA-MB) is made for

the members either they are buyers or sellers.which play

the roll to buy or sell of any amount or value from (LIFX-USA-MB)

directly & non directly both ways.this is the model on

which any member can come to part of our team by different way. 


OUR COMPANY (LIFX-USA-MB) on money bookers Platform

Work and cover all online payments methods atoz either you

want to deposit or withdraw nationally or internationally.

The working model  design is simple & same like P2P model.totally

open dealing base.this is simple & transparent

and also divided into four branches.and then sub branches.

in simple to understand our business model in words is like

based on the chart. this all depend on yourself

and dealing what you choose for yourself





code service














just do it



(Sub details in model section)


This business model is work in values numbers figures digits

base atoz no alphabet or words are dealing when deal is active

All the information you provided is confidential and totally private.

no where na think will share with nobody especially

the documentation from and address pin location

that provided on form filling time . either you are buyer or seller

in any case in which you are totally negative on any side either

you are buyer or seller.In that case, your dealing also has strong proof on

your side to unfair dealing.In this condition we can't open

your information without your permission.But punish and plenty on

you in other forms like blacklist and block your account

and profile depending on the case.and fine you too + loss of

her capital amount you unfair dealing if its claim to cover it..


In many cases we are griping in online transactions up to 100% depending on

what channel or sub channel you choose for yourself.

We personally did deal in many cases and requirements

but by third parties ended in any kind of transaction .

our duty and role is to complete the transactions by middle man service

on your decided permission whatever you choose to your transaction.

Third party services are used in our platform by open end.

that are not handled by (LIFX-USA) it all depends on yourself what you choose .


As before we say and say that again we all grip in online assets

on one side transaction

either you are a buyer or seller if your assets or transaction is

on the online side.we will give you our services in any case.

whatever you select the option for transfer or received

the payment is recorded and each step you do is registered in google sheets

we given you the access of that while your transaction is complete

After completing the transactions the record is locked

and the access is finished by both sides.

buyer and seller .

(Sub details in model section)

Conclusion or Summary

This website ( LIFX-USA-MB ) is made for Buying and Selling

with current and Active traders of circle

and market. Of different trading platforms 👨‍💻🦾💼

Not just currency also coins digital assets and many more 

(Sub details in model section)


All the content either in post or pages is in text format

and also has video content which helps to

understand everything properly and easily.

For complete guideline 

Also click below